Kapai Oy
Corporate Advisory

Dr. Jukka Kilpi

CEO and Founding Partner
Fellow, Financial Services Institute of Australasia




J Kilpi, The Ethics of Bankruptcy, Routledge, Professional Ethics Series, London & New York, 1998


In English:

J Kilpi, 'On Corporate Ethical Responsibility, Stakeholder Value, and Strict Liability in Biotechnology', in M. Häyry, T. Takala and P. Herissone-Kelly (eds), Bioethics and Social Reality, Rodopi, Amsterdam and New York, forthcoming (2004)

J Kilpi, 'On the Ethics of Financial Markets, Asian Crisis of 1997, and Enron', paper presented at European Business Ethics Network Annual Conference, Budapest 29-31 August, 2003

J Kilpi, 'Mergers and Acquisitions' in Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, ed. by R. Chadwick, Academic Press, San Diego, 1998

J Kilpi, 'Limits of Corporate Personhood' in Taking the Liberal Challenge Seriously ed. by S. Hellsten et. al., Ashgate, Aldershot U.K. & Brookfield USA, 1997

J Kilpi, 'Gearing Up, Crashing Loud', Journal of Business Ethics 15, November 1996

J Kilpi & J Lamont, 'Determining Public Policy by Financial Market Reactions', Public Affairs Quarterly, Vol 10 No 1, January 1996

J Kilpi, 'Money Market Reactions as a Policy Guide', Res Publica, Vol 3 No 1, 1994

J Kilpi, 'Boom to Bust and Beyond: A Finnish Experience', Contemporary European Studies Association of Australia Newsletter 7, June 1993.

J Kilpi, 'A Refutation of an Argument for Utilitarianism', Australasian Journal
of Philosophy, 64, 1986.

In Finnish:

J Kilpi, 'Yrityksen eettisestä vastuusta' ('On the ethical responsibility of the corporation'), Lakimies, 3/2002.

J Kilpi, 'Pääomamarkkinoiden etiikasta' ('On the ethics of capital markets'), Liiketaloudellinen aikakausikirja, 2/1999.

J Kilpi, 'Vapautus velkataakasta - unelma, armo vai oikeus?' ('Relief from debt burden - dream, mercy or right?'), Ajatus (The Annual of the Finnish Association of Philosophy), 50, April 1994

J Kilpi & M Sintonen, 'Liberaali feminismi: John Stuart Mill' teoksessa Nainen, järki ja ihmisarvo ('Liberal feminism: John Stuart Mill', in a collection of essays titled Woman, reason and dignity) ed. by Lilli Alanen, Leila Haaparanta ja Terhi Lumme, WSOY
